Area Attractions

Glacier National Park - The Crown Jewel of the Continent!
Waterton Int'l Peace Park - Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park
The Big Mountain Ski Resort - World Class Alpine Skiing
Izaak Walton Inn - Hotel Lodge and Cabins by Glacier Nat'l. Park
The Weather Channel - Current Weather in Kalispell
Kalispell Chamber of Commerce - Local Chamber of Commerce
Flathead Valley Visitor's Board - All about the Flathead Valley!

The Famous Moose's Saloon Kalispell Montana

Moose's Saloon

173 North Main,
Kalispell, Montana
Kitchen Hours: 11am - 11pm
Bar Hours: 10am - 12am

Phone:  (406) 755 - 2337

Moostly Moose's

179 North Main
Kalispell, Montana

Phone:  (406) 755 - 6667